Emergencies: You may reach our on call physician in case of emergency. Call our office at (616)392-5973 and follow our message directions or call our answering service directly at 616.377.4800.
Office Hours:
South Holland location is open 8am-5pm Monday through Friday.
North Holland location is open 8am-5pm Monday through Friday.
Grand Haven location is open 8am-5pm Tuesday and Thursday.
South Haven location is open 1pm-4pm on Wednesday.
Phone number: Our phone number is (616)392-5973. Phone hours are Monday-Thursday 8am-12pm, and 12:45pm-4:30pm.
Friday is the same except that phones go off at 4pm.
Patient Portal: Our patient portal is a convenient, time saving, and secure way for you to manage many of your health care needs.